Health is Happiness


Health is Happiness focuses on addressing the growing burden of chronic disease by studying ways to increase knowledge and use of clinical prevention services.


Clinical prevention services are activities that you do with a health care provider that help you to stay healthy or catch chronic disease earlier to mitigate it’s impact. They include activities such as immunizations, screening tests and lifestyle counselling.  BC does not meet the gold standard uptake level for many of these services and some populations, such as new immigrants, are even less likely to use these services.  The Health is Happiness researchers want to talk to South Asian people in Surrey about what they think of clinical prevention services and what might make it easier for people to learn about and use them.  We’ll do this by holding focus groups where participants will learn about 2 or 3 of these services and answer questions about their opinions of them.   The results of the study will be used to help make prevention information and services more appropriate and accessible for people with a South Asian background.


Current Status

The Health is Happiness project is currently recruiting South Asian participants between the ages of 40 and 75. We will be running focus groups in January and February and holding community validation sessions in March.  Punjabi speaking volunteers are needed to help introduce the study and conduct consents and demographic interviews.


Elizabeth Stacy, Research Coordinator:
Rachel Douglas, Research Coordinator: