Evidence 2 Excellence (E2E)


Evidence2Excellence Video Series

Evidence2Excellence Video Series

To understand and evaluate how diverse emergency department sites across British Columbia engage in a Quality Improvement Collaborative to lead to improvements in care for septic (including severe sepsis and septic shock) patients in EDs.


E2E is a provincial community of multidisciplinary Emergency staff that aspires to implement and streamline best operational and clinical practices. We intend to share knowledge and expertise (faculty and tools) across the province using collaborative work.

This research employs the IHI Collaborative model and utilizes an electronic Community of Practice to engage emergency department practitioners (e.g. physicians, nurses, administrators, etc) from across B.C. to share the evidence of early intervention in sepsis (e.g. exchanging ideas, engaging in discussions, sharing resources, amalgamating knowledge); and adapting the evidence to their patterns of practice. A mixed method approach is being employed to evaluate the processes of collaboration and harmonization of sepsis management within and across emergency department sites engaging in the Quality Improvement Collaborative.The Collaborative will run from January 2010 until January 2011.


  • 18 emergency departments from across BC are participating in the research;
  • The emergency departments have participated in 4 workshops and multiple biweekly webinars throughout the year;
  • To date, data has been collected on 1570 patients with two more months of data collection remaining;
  • Sepsis eCoP has 59 members who access discussion forums, key resources, and recordings of biweekly webinars.

Webinar Series – Emergency Department Flow and Overcrowding

E2E, with support from the BC Ministry of Health, is proud to bring you the ED Patient Flow webinar series.  The Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians has highlighted that overcrowding in EDs across Canada is a “systems” problem with the root cause being the lack of availability of acute care beds resulting in a block to access of care in the Emergency Department.  The resultant increased wait times lead to patient suffering, adverse outcomes and deteriorating levels of service across the healthcare system.

Please join the discussion and help us work together to improve the care we provide in the ED and drive changes throughout the health system.  Please see the E2E website for more information on this Webinar Series.


For more information, visit the home page at www.evidence2excellence.ca.