Ho K. Digitisation of emergency medicine: opportunities, examples and issues for consideration. Singapore Med J. 2024 Mar 1;65(3):179-182. Article
Grant KL, Tsang J, Ho K. Implementing digital emergency medicine: a call to action. CJEM. 2024 Feb;26(2):75-77. Article
Tran KC, Mak M, Kuyper LM, Bittman J, Mangat B, Lindsay H, Kim Sing C, Xu L, Wong H, Dawes M, Khan N, Ho K. Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring Technology for Patients With Asymptomatic Elevated Blood Pressure Discharged From the Emergency Department: Pilot Study. JMIR Form Res. 2024 Jan 30;8:e49592. Article
Ho K, Bhattacharyya O, Adams O. From Today to Tomorrow: Leveraging Digital Health to Move toward Health for All. Healthc Pap. 2024 Jan;21(4):86-91. Article
Cressman S, Abejirinde IO, Assali J, Dennis MB, Maybee A, Strom M, Ho K, Ardern CL, Sayani A, Markham R, Bhattacharyya O. Learning Health Systems: A Paradigm Shift in What We Can Do about Digital Health Inequities. Healthc Pap. 2024 Jan;21(4):76-84. Article
Ardern CL, Haagaard A, MacPherson M, Nadigel J, Kasaai B, Cressman S, Cordeiro J, Ho K. Trustworthy Evidence to Support Quality Digital Healthcare Policy for Underserved Communities: What Needs to Happen to Translate Evidence into Policy? Healthc Pap. 2024 Jan;21(4):64-75. Article
Lauscher HN, Sing CK, Strong C, Palepu A, Jaswal J, Fürstenburg D, Oelke ND, Pearce PK, Ho K. Can Answers to the Health Workforce Crisis Be Found in Equity-Informed Digital Health? Healthc Pap. 2024 Jan;21(4):38-46. Article
Ho K, Adams O, Sayani A, Cheema G. Defining “Essential Digital Health for the Underserved”. Healthc Pap. 2024 Jan;21(4):5-14. Article
Novak Lauscher H, Blacklaws B, Pritchard E, Wang EJ, Stewart K, Beselt J, Ho K, Pawlovich J. Real-Time Virtual Support as an Emergency Department Strategy for Rural, Remote, and Indigenous Communities in British Columbia: Descriptive Case Study. J Med Internet Res. 2023 Dec 22;25:e45451. Article
Villalobos-Quesada M, Ho K, Chavannes NH, Talboom-Kamp EP. Direct-to-patient digital diagnostics in primary care: Opportunities, challenges, and conditions necessary for responsible digital diagnostics. Eur J Gen Pract. 2023 Dec;29(1):2273615. Article
Duncan R, Stewart K, Scheuermeyer FX, Abu-Laban RB, Ho K, Lavallee D, Christenson J, Wood N, Bryan S, Hedden L. Concordance between 8-1-1 HealthLink BC Emergency iDoctor-in-assistance (HEiDi) virtual physician advice and subsequent health service utilization for callers to a nurse-managed provincial health information telephone service. BMC Health Serv Res. 2023 Sep 27;23(1):1031. Article
Novak Lauscher H, Stewart K, Markham R, Pawlovich J, Mah J, Hunt M, Williams K, Christenson J, Graham S, Bepple K, Pritchard E, Rabeneck J, Yang M, Ho K. Real-time virtual supports improving health equity and access in British Columbia. Healthc Manage Forum. 2023 Sep;36(5):285-292. Article
Ho K, Abu-Laban RB, Stewart K, Duncan R, Scheuermeyer FX, Hedden L, Lauscher HN, Sundhu S, Chadha R, Christenson J, Grafstein E, Lavallee DC, Purssell R, Tallon JM, Wood N, Bryan S. Health system use and outcomes of urgently triaged callers to a nurse-managed telephone service for provincial health information after initiation of supplemental virtual physician assessment: a descriptive study. CMAJ Open. 2023 May 23;11(3):E459-E465. Article
Stovel RG, Dubois D, Chan TM, Thoma B, Ho K. Virtual Care in CanMEDS 2025. Can Med Educ J. 2023 Mar 21;14(1):22-26. Article
Narayan S, Mok H, Ho K, Kealy D. “I don’t think they’re as culturally sensitive”: a mixed-method study exploring e-mental health use among culturally diverse populations. J Ment Health. 2023 Feb;32(1):241-247. Article
Jafari N, Lim M, Hassani A, Cordeiro J, Kam C, Ho K. Human-like tele-health robotics for older adults – A preliminary feasibility trial and vision. J Rehabil Assist Technol Eng. 2022 Nov 14;9:20556683221140345. Article
Kuziemsky C, Hunter I, Udayasankaran JG, Ranatunga P, Kulatunga G, John S, John O, Flórez-Arango JF, Ito M, Ho K, Gogia SB, Araujo K, Rajput VK, Meijer WJ, Basu A. Telehealth as a Means of Enabling Health Equity. Yearb Med Inform. 2022 Aug;31(1):60-66. Article
Apantaku G, Mitton C, Wong H, Ho K. Home Telemonitoring Technology for Patients With Heart Failure: Cost-Consequence Analysis of a Pilot Study. JMIR Form Res. 2022 Jun 2;6(6):e32147. Article
Jones P, Ho K, Than M. A reality check for emergency department crowding interventions. CJEM. 2022 Jun;24(4):353-354. Article
Ho K, Rivest-Henault D, Jafari N, Lim M, Hassani A, Cordeiro JL, Falardeau B, Pecora L, Pagiatakis C, M’hiri F, Jiang D. VitalSeer: The development of a contactless sensing technology based on a user-centric data-driven clinical approach. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2022 May 23;2022:244-253. Article
Juhra C, Born J, Borycki EM, Kushniruk AW, Ho K. Medical Emergency Data and Networks: A German-Canadian Comparison. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2022 May 20;291:27-35. Article
Ho K. Leveraging the Five Perspectives of Health Professional Education to Advance Change Management in Virtual Care. Healthc Pap. 2022 Apr;20(4):57-61. Article
Hyman A, Stacy E, Mohsin H, Atkinson K, Stewart K, Novak Lauscher H, Ho K. Barriers and Facilitators to Accessing Digital Health Tools Faced by South Asian Canadians in Surrey, British Columbia: Community-Based Participatory Action Exploration Using Photovoice. J Med Internet Res. 2022 Jan 13;24(1):e25863. Article
Ly S, Tsang R, Ho K. Patient Perspectives on the Digitization of Personal Health Information in the Emergency Department: Mixed Methods Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JMIR Med Inform. 2022 Jan 6;10(1):e28981. Article
Liu J, Buckley H, Ho K, Hubinette M, Abdalkhani A, Holmes C, Nathoo N. A proposed learning environment framework for virtual care. Can Med Educ J. 2021 Dec 29;12(6):28-34. Article
Tang LYW, Hawkins NM, Macle L, Ho K, Tam R, Deyell MW, Lim M, Khairy P, Andrade JG. Predicting Atrial Fibrillation Recurrence After Catheter Ablation: A Comparative Evaluation in the CIRCA-DOSE Trial. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2021 Dec;14(12):e010443. Article
Kasteleyn MJ, Versluis A, van Peet P, Kirk UB, van Dalfsen J, Meijer E, Honkoop P, Ho K, Chavannes NH, Talboom-Kamp EPWA. SERIES: eHealth in primary care. Part 5: A critical appraisal of five widely used eHealth applications for primary care – opportunities and challenges. Eur J Gen Pract. 2021 Dec;27(1):248-256. Article
Morton E, Ho K, Barnes SJ, Michalak EE. Digital Health Literacy in Bipolar Disorder: International Web-Based Survey. JMIR Ment Health. 2021 Oct 19;8(10):e29764. Article
Basu A, Kuziemsky C, de Araújo Novaes M, Kleber A, Sales F, Al-Shorbaji N, Flórez-Arango JF, Gogia SB, Ho K, Hunter I, Iyengar S, John O, John S, Kulatunga G, Rajput VK, Ranatunga P, Udayasankaran JG. Telehealth and the COVID-19 Pandemic: International Perspectives and a Health Systems Framework for Telehealth Implementation to Support Critical Response. Yearb Med Inform. 2021 Aug;30(1):126-133. Article
Eccles H, Nannarone M, Lashewicz B, Attridge M, Marchand A, Aiken A, Ho K, Wang J. Barriers to the Use of Web-Based Mental Health Programs for Preventing Depression: Qualitative Study. JMIR Form Res. 2021 Jul 15;5(7):e16949. Article
Ho K, Lauscher HN, Stewart K, Abu-Laban RB, Scheuermeyer F, Grafstein E, Christenson J, Sundhu S. Integration of virtual physician visits into a provincial 8-1-1 health information telephone service during the COVID-19 pandemic: a descriptive study of HealthLink BC Emergency iDoctor-in-assistance (HEiDi). CMAJ Open. 2021 Jun 15;9(2):E635-E641. Article
Ho K, Novak Lauscher H, Cordeiro J, Hawkins N, Scheuermeyer F, Mitton C, Wong H, McGavin C, Ross D, Apantaku G, Karim ME, Bhullar A, Abu-Laban R, Nixon S, Smith T. Testing the Feasibility of Sensor-Based Home Health Monitoring (TEC4Home) to Support the Convalescence of Patients With Heart Failure: Pre-Post Study. JMIR Form Res. 2021 Jun 3;5(6):e24509. Article
Tang LYW, Hawkins NM, Ho K, Tam R, Deyell MW, Macle L, Verma A, Khairy P, Sheldon R, Andrade JG; CIRCA‐DOSE Study Investigators. Autonomic Alterations After Pulmonary Vein Isolation in the CIRCA-DOSE (Cryoballoon vs Irrigated Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation) Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2021 Feb;10(5):e018610. Article
Ho K. Virtual care in the ED: a game changer for the future of our specialty? CJEM. 2021 Jan;23(1):1-2 Article
Limbachia J, Owens H, Matean M, Khan SS, Novak-Lauscher H, Ho K. Organizing a Mass Gathering Amidst a Rising COVID-19 Public Health Crisis: Lessons Learned From a Chinese Public Health Forum in Vancouver, BC. Cureus. 2020 Dec 29;12(12):e12365. Article
Drebit S, Eggers K, Archibald C, Abu-Laban R, Ho K, Khazei A, Lindstrom R, Marsden J, Martin E, Christenson J. Evaluation of Patient Engagement in a Clinical Emergency Care Network: Findings From the BC Emergency Medicine Network. J Patient Exp. 2020 Dec;7(6):937-940. . Article
Hyman A, Stewart K, Jamin AM, Novak Lauscher H, Stacy E, Kasten G, Ho K. Testing a school-based program to promote digital health literacy and healthy lifestyle behaviours in intermediate elementary students: The Learning for Life program. Prev Med Rep. 2020 Jun 18;19:101149. Article
Tsoi KKF, Chan NB, Yiu KKL, Poon SKS, Lin B, Ho K. Machine Learning Clustering for Blood Pressure Variability Applied to Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT) and the Hong Kong Community Cohort. Hypertension. 2020 Aug;76(2):569-576. Article
Eccles H, Nannarone M, Lashewicz B, Attridge M, Marchand A, Aiken A, Ho K, Wang J. Perceived Effectiveness and Motivations for the Use of Web-Based Mental Health Programs: Qualitative Study. J Med Internet Res. 2020 Jul 31;22(7):e16961. Article
Mangalji A, Ho K, Choi W, Kim Sing C, Lindsay H, Lee CW, Loftsgard K, Lim M, Jafari N. Uncovering Care Barriers Experienced by Patients and Loved Ones in the Emergency Department: Can a Health App Help? Stud Health Technol Inform. 2020 Jun 16;270:1417-1418. Article
Ho K, Novak Lauscher H, Kim Sing C, Matean M. Is Our Health System Ready for Digital Health Today? Exploring The Way Forward. BCMJ, vol. 62 , No. 4, May 2020 , Pages 128,140 Article
Ho K, Oleman, G. Guest Editorial: In Search of Collaboration Between Indigenous Traditional Practice and Western Medicine. BCMJ, vol. 62, No. 3, April 2020: 92-93 Clinical Articles. Article
Hyman A, Stacy E, Atkinson K, Novak Lauscher H, Rabeneck J, Oldman G, Cooper P, Young, W, Kellman C, Ho K. Digital Storytelling and Dialogue to Support Culturally Safe Health Care for Indigenous Patients in British Columbia. BCMJ, vol. 62, No. 3, April 2020: 94-97 Clinical Articles. Article
Zhang J, Ho K. Designing a surveillance system in Canada to detect adverse interactions between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine: issues and considerations. Stud Health Technol Inform 2017; 234: Building Capacity for Health Informatics in the Future: 412-417. Article
Frisch NC, Atherton P, Borycki EM, Mickelson G, Black A, Novak Lauscher H, Cordeiro J. Expanding the Reach of Continuing Educational Offerings Through a Web-Based Virtual Network: The Experience of InspireNet. Stud Health Technol Inform 2017 234; Building Capacity for Health Informatics in the Future: 120-124. Article
O’Sullivan E, Cutts E, Kavikondala S, Salcedo A, D’Souza K, Hernandez-Torre M, Anderson C, Tiwari A, Ho K, Last J. Social Media in Health Science Education: An International Survey. JMIR Med Educ 2017. Article
Wang J, Patten SB, Lam RW, Attridge M, Ho K, Schmitz N, Marchand A, Lashewicz BM. The Effects of an E-Mental Health Program and Job Coaching on the Risk of Major Depression and Productivity in Canadian Male Workers: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc 2016. Article
Ho K, Borycki E, Kushniruk A, Juhra C, Hernandez M. The health perspective in using digital media for health and wellness. Digital Media Industry & Academic Forum (DMIAF). 2016: 29-31. Article
Kushniruk A, Borycki E, Juhra C, Hernandez M, Ho, K. The human-computer user interface and patient safety: Introducing new technologies in healthcare effectively and safely. Digital Media Industry & Academic Forum (DMIAF). 2016: 32-34. Article
Juhra C, Hernandez M, Ho K, Kushniruk A, Borycki E. The health policy guidance and practice of introducing technologies in health system in Europe. Digital Media Industry & Academic Forum (DMIAF). 2016: 35-36. Article
Hernandez M, Juhra C, Kushniruk A, Borycki E, Ho K. Innovations and technologies for health and wellness. Digital Media Industry & Academic Forum (DMIAF). 2016: 37-39. Article
Wang J, Patten SB, Lam RW, Attridge M, Ho K, Schmitz N, Marchand A, Lashewicz BM. The Effects of an E-Mental Health Program and Job Coaching on the Risk of Major Depression and Productivity in Canadian Male Workers: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2016;5(4):e218. Article
Born J, Albert J, Borycki EM, Butz N, Ho K, Koczerginski J, Kushniruk AW, Schenkel J, Juhra C. Emergency Data Management – Overcoming (Information) Borders. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2016;231:18-22. Abstract
Ho K, Al-Shorjabji N, Brown E, Zelmer J, Gabor N, Maeder A, Marcelo A, Ritz D, Messina L, Loyola M, Abbott P, Nazira J, McKinnon A, Dissanayake V, Akeel A, Gardner N, Doyle T. Applying the Resilient Health System Framework for Universal Health Coverage. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2016;231:54-62. Abstract
Miller B, Ho K, Carvalho A. Social media to support physician practice and CPD: Opportunities, issues, and an emergency medicine case study. British Columbia Medical Journal. 2016;58(2):94-96. Article
Wang J, Lam RW, Ho K, Attridge M, Lashewicz BM, Patten SB, Marchand A, Aiken A, Schmitz N, Gundu S, Rewari N, Hodgins D, Bulloch A, Merali Z. Preferred Features of E-Mental Health Programs for Prevention of Major Depression in Male Workers: Results From a Canadian National Survey. J Med Internet Res. 2016;18(6):e132. Abstract
Douglas R, Garg AK, Ho K, Lee V, Majid S, Stacy E. Facilitators of and barriers to accessing clinical prevention services for the South Asian population in Surrey, British Columbia: a qualitative study. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2016;4(3):E390-E397. Article
Amari E, Barry R, Chong X, Novak Lauscher H, Ho K. Using social media to reach Chinese and South Asian communities in British Columbia: The story of a peer-led diabetes prevention program on Facebook. International Journal Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments. 2014;3(1):20-39. Abstract
Cheng YL, Ke JX, Lee DS, Wu Q, Ho K. Communication tool to describe use of traditional herbal Chinese medicine to Western medicine physicians. British Columbia Medical Journal. 2015 57(8):356-357. Article
Davis WM, Ho K. Last J. Advancing social media in medical education. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2015 187(8):549-550. Article
Hardiman S, Ho K. The effect of educational attainment levels on use of non-traditional health information resources: findings form the Canadian survey of experiences with primary health care. Knowledge Management & E-Learning. 2015;7(4):153-169. Abstract
Ho K, Newton L, Boothe A, Novak Lauscher H. mobile Digital Access to a Web-enhanced Network (mDAWN): Assessing the Feasibility of Mobile Health Tools for Self-Management of Type-2 Diabetes. AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. 2015;621-629. Article
Scheuermeyer F, Grunau B, Cheyne J, Grafstein E, Christenson J, Ho K. Speed and accuracy of mobile Blackberry Messenger to transmit chest radiography images from a small community emergency department to a geographically remote referral center. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 2015 Jul 21. Article
Scheuermeyer FX, Grunau BE, Findlay T, Grafstein E, Christenson J, Lang E, Rowe B, Ho K. Speed and accuracy of test-messaging emergency department electrocardiograms from a small community hospital to a provincial referral center. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 2015 22(2):105-13. Abstract
Zibrik L, Khan S, Bangar N, Stacy E, Novak Lauscher H, Ho K. Patient and Community Centered eHealth: Exploring eHealth barriers and facilitators for chronic disease self-management within British Columbia’s immigrant Chinese and Punjabi seniors. Health Policy and Technology 4. 2015;4:348-356. Abstract
Zibrik L, Khan S, Novak Lauscher H, Cheema G, Ho B, Bains J, Harper C, Ho K. iCON: Supporting Chinese and South Asian BC citizens for optimal self-management. BCMJ. 2015;57(6):244-245. Abstract
Nadeau M, Batke J, Novak Lauscher H, Fischer C, Street J. A qualitative web-based expert opinion analysis on the adoption of intraoperative CT and navigation systems in spine surgery. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 2015 Jun; 58(3 Suppl 1): S43-S70. Article
Grajales FJ, Sheps S, Ho K, Novak-Lauscher H, Eysenbach G. Social media: a review and tutorial of applications in medicine and health care. Journal of medical Internet research. 2014;16(2):e13. doi:10.2196/jmir.2912. Link
Ho K, Peter Wall Workshop Participants. Harnessing the social web for health and wellness: issues for research and knowledge translation. Journal of medical Internet research. 2014;16(2):e34. doi:10.2196/jmir.2969. Link
Jones A, Hedges-Chou J, Bates J, Loyola M, Lear SA, Jarvis-Selinger S. Home Telehealth for Chronic Disease Management: Selected Findings of a Narrative Synthesis. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2014;20(4):346–380. doi:tmj.2013.0249. Link
Stacy E, Wisener K, Liman Y, Kniazeva (Beznosova) O, Novak Lauscher H, Ho K, Jarvis-Selinger S. Community-based Research in Action: Tales from the Ktunaxa Community Learning Centres Project. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education and Action. Volume 8, Issue 3, Fall 2014 pp. 261-262 | DOI: 10.1353/cpr.2014.0048. Abstract
Zhang C, Chu J, Cho K, Yang J, McCartney K, Ho K. Medical Students’ Self-Reported Preparedness and Attitudes in Providing Care to Ethnic Minorities. Ethnicity & Disease. 2014;24(1):116-21. Abstract
Lunny C, Taylor D, Memetovic J, Warje O, Lester R, Wong T, Ho K, Gilbert M, Ogilvie G. Short message service (SMS) interventions for the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections: a systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews. 2014;3:7 doi: 10.1186/2046-4053-3-7.
Ho K. Key trends in eHealth to propel health transformation and education. UBCMJ 2014;5(2):6-9.
Kushniruk A, Borycki E, Kuo MH, Parapini E, Wang SL, Ho K. Requirements for prototyping an educational electronic health record: Experiences and future directions. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2014;205:833-837. Link
D’Agostino M, Al-Shorbaji N, Abbot P, Bernardo T, Ho K, Sinha C, Novillo-Ortiz D. eHealth initiatives to transform health in the region of the Americas. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2014;35(5-6):323-325. Link
Frisch N, Borycki E, Atherton P, Mickelson G, Cordeiro J, Novak Lauscher H. Growing a Professional Network: From Zero to nearly 3,000 members in less than 4 years – the experience of InspireNet, British Columbia’s virtual nursing health services research network. J Med Internet Res. 2014;16(2):e49. Abstract
Amstrong AD, Jarvis-Selinger S. I feel disconnected: learning technologies in resident education. Instructional Course Lectures. Vol. 62. 2013;62:577-85. Link
Borycki EM, Hullin C, Gonzalez J, Ho K, Kushniruk AW. Clinical Simulations in Health Professional Education: International Perspectives and Lessoned Learned about Integration and Patient Safety. In: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics V 192: MEDINFO 2013. IOS Press Ebooks; 2013:1255. Link
Gray K, Shortliffe E, Ho K, Taylor P, Mars M. Health Informatics Education for the Clinical Workforce. In: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics V 192: MEDINFO 2013. IOS Press Ebooks; 2013:1233. Link
Ho K. Health-e-Apps: A project to encourage effective use of mobile health applications. BC Medical Journal. 2013;55(10):458–460. Link
Ho K, Nguyen A, Jarvis-Selinger S, Novak Lauscher H, Cressman C, Zibrik L. Technology-Enabled Academic Detailing: Computer-mediated education between pharmacists and physicians for evidence-based prescribing. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2013;82(9):762-71. Link
McQuillen K, Davis CL, Ho K, et al. Challenges in Measuring Patient Participation: Case Studies from British Columbia’s Patients as Partners Initiative. Journal of Participatory Medicine. 2013;5.Link
Ho K, Jarvis-Selinger S, Novak Lauscher H, Cordeiro J, & Scott R. (Eds.), “Technology Enabled Knowledge Translation for eHealth: Principles and Practice.”, Springer. Link
Pratt, DD, Sadownik, L, Jarvis-Selinger, S. Pedagogical BIASes and Clinical Teaching in Medicine. English LM. (Ed.), Health and Adult Learning. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2012. Link
Andre Kushniruk, Elizabeth Borycki, Ron Joe, tony Otto, Brian Armstrong, Kendall Ho, “Integrating Electronic Health Records into Medical Education: Considerations, Challenges, and Future Directions”, Technology Enabled Knowledge Translation for eHealth: Principles and Practice, Springer. Link
Julian Marsden, Noreen Kamal, Helen Novak Lauscher, Sandra Jarvis-Selinger, Anna Needs, David D. Sweet, Celine Cressman, Kendall Ho, “Evidence 2 Excellence: An Emergency Medicine Quality Improvement Model Utilizing Technology Enabled Interprofessional Collaboration in British Columbia”, Technology Enabled Knowledge Translation for eHealth: Principles and Practice, Springer. Link
Helen Novak Lauscher, Elizabeth Stacy, Jennifer Cordeiro, Kendall Ho, “Perceptions of Electronic Personal Health Records and the Connection to Self-Care: Considerations for Design and Implementation Within a Multicultural Population”, Technology Enabled Knowledge Translation for eHealth: Principles and Practice, Springer. Link
Varun Ramraj, Kendall Ho, “The Use of Bioinformatics in Care Map Analysis”, Technology Enabled Knowledge Translation for eHealth: Principles and Practice, Springer. Link
Daniel Hooker, Nelson Shen, Kendall Ho, “Leveraging Community for mHealth Research and Development”, Technology Enabled Knowledge Translation for eHealth: Principles and Practice, Springer. Link
Elizabeth Borycki, Andre Kushniruk, Sophia Khan, Lindsay Zibrik, Rebecca Campbell, Kendall Ho, “Evaluating Electronic Health Record Competencies: New Trends and Approaches Inolving Simulations”, Technology Enabled Knowledge Translation for eHealth: Principles and Practice, Springer. Link
Sandra Jarvis-Selinger, Elizabeth Stacy, Katherine Wisener, Yolanda Liman, Helen Novak Lauscher, Kendall Ho, Don Maki, “Ktunaxa Community Learning Centres (KCLC): A Model of Community Engagement in Health, Education, and Training”, Technology Enabled Knowledge Translation for eHealth: Principles and Practice, Springer. Link
Noreen Kamal, Tracy Thain, Kendall Ho, “CliniPEARLS: A Technical Framework for Disseminating Clinical Practice Guidelines from Different Providers on PAD and Smartphone Devices”, Technology Enabled Knowledge Translation for eHealth: Principles and Practice, Springer. Link
Kevin McCartney, Daniel Hooker, Jennifer Cordeiro, Helen Novak Lauscher, Kendall Ho, “Practical Considerations in Building an Electronic Community of Practice for Health Care: Lessons form the Literature”, Technology Enabled Knowledge Translation for eHealth: Principles and Practice, Springer. Link
Kendall Ho, John T. BInfet, Jennifer Cordeiro, Helen Novak Lauscher, “Public Engagement in eHealth: Toward Improving Equity in Health Evidence and Health System Renewal”, Technology Enabled Knowledge Translation for eHealth: Principles and Practice, Springer. Link
Jennifer Cordeiro, Helen Novak Lauscher, Celine Cressman, Richard Smith, Ari Goelman, Kendall Ho, “Harnessing Innovation to Support Medical Residents in Education and Practice: An Exploration of Need and Preference”, Technology Enabled Knowledge Translation for eHealth: Principles and Practice, Springer. Link
Novak Lauscher H, Yassi A, Bryce E, Landstrom M, & Maultsaid D, “Online Infection Control Training: Perceived barriers and enablers to training and practice.”, Technology Enabled Knowledge Translation for eHealth, Springer. Link
Ho K, Marsden J, Jarvis-Selinger S, et al. A collaborative quality improvement model and electronic community of practice to support sepsis management in emergency departments: investigating care harmonization for provincial knowledge translation. Journal of Medical Internet Research: Research Protocols. 2012;1(2):e6. doi:10.2196/resprot.1597. Link
Jarvis-Selinger S, Pratt DD, Regehr G. Competency Is Not Enough: Integrating Identity Formation Into the Medical Education Discourse. Academic Medicine. 2012;87(9):1185–1190. doi:10.1097/ACM.0b013e3182604968. Link
Roberts SM, Jarvis-Selinger S, Pratt DD, et al. Reshaping orthopaedic resident education in systems-based practice. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, American Volume. 2012;94(15):e1131–7. doi:10.2106/JBJS.K.00638. Link
Stacy E, Novak Lauscher H. Seniors accessing health information through innovative web resources. Cultures West. 2012;30(1):6. Link
Suter E, Deutschlander S, Mickelson G, et al. Can interprofessional collaboration provide health human resources solutions? A knowledge synthesis. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2012;26(4):261–8. doi:10.3109/13561820.2012.663014. Link
von Wangenheim A, de Souza Nobre LF, Tognoli H, Nassar SM, Ho K. User satisfaction with asynchronous telemedicine: a study of users of Santa Catarina’s system of telemedicine and telehealth. Telemedicine Journal and eHealth. 2012;18(5):339–46. doi:10.1089/tmj.2011.0197. Link
Roberts S, Lucking R, Jarvis-Selinger S, Pratt D, Black K. Orthopaedic Resident Education 2011: It’s a Whole New Game. Chapter in the AAOS Instructional Resource Manual #62.
Jarvis-Selinger S, Halwani Y, Joughin K, Pratt D, Scott T, Snell L. (2011). Supporting the Development of Residents as Teachers: Current Practices and Emerging Trends. Final report submitted to the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada’s Future on Medical Education Committee. Link
Jarvis-Selinger S, Hameed M, Bloom S. Incorporating CanMEDs roles into surgical residency education: Developing a matrix of education. Can J Surg 2011;54(5): 296-9.
Jarvis-Selinger S, Bates J, Araki Y, Lear S. How can technology support sustainable self-management for patients with cardiovascular disease? International J Telemed and App 2011; doi:10.1155/2011/342582.
Hung T, Jarvis-Selinger S, Ford J. Residency choices by graduating medical students: Why not pathology? Hum Pathol 2011;42(6):802-7. Link
Ho K , Gingerich A , Shen N , Voyer S , Weerasinghe C , Snadden D, “Remote hands-on interactive medical education: video feedback for medical students.”, Medical Education, 45(5). Link
Frisch, N., Borycki, E.M., Mickelson, G., Atherton, P., Novak-Lauscher, H., Hooker, D., & Ho, K. (2011). Use of social media and Web 2.0 technologies to increase knowledge and skills in British Columbia nurses. IMIA, Nursing Informatics, Conference Proceedings, NI 2012. Link
Kendall Ho, “Health in the Digital World: Transformational Trends”, Healthcare and the Effect of Technology: Developments, Challenges, and Advancements, Medical Information Science Reference. Link
Ho K , Jarvis-Selinger S , Norman CD , Li LC , Olatunbosun T , Cressman C , Nguyen A, “Electronic communities of practice: guidelines from a project.”, JCEHP 2010;30(2):139-143. Link
Jarvis-Selinger S, Pratt DD, Collins JB. Journeys Toward Becoming a Teacher: Charting the Course of Professional Development. Teach Educ Q 2010;37(2):69-96. Link
Novak Lauscher H, Stacy E, Ho K., “iCON – Multicultural public health education: Bringing the latest on dementia to Metro Vancouver communities.”, Visions: BC’s Mental Health and Addictions Journal, 6(3), 20. Link
Ho K, Novak Lauscher H, Stacy E, Jagdis R., “Intercultural Online Health Network: Technology enabled wellness support for dementia patients and caregivers”, Gerontechnology, 9(2), 215. Link