Join iCON for the 2021 virtual Chinese Health Forum: “Take Charge of Your Health – Preventing and Managing Stroke”. This FREE online, interactive forum will take place on Saturday, March 6th and Sunday, March 7th, 2021.
“Almost 80% of premature stroke and heart disease can be prevented through healthy behaviors.” – Heart and Stroke Foundation
Delivered in Cantonese, Mandarin and English, this forum is designed for seniors, families and caregivers who are interested in learning about the early detection, risk factors, treatment, and management of stroke. Participants will also have opportunities to ask questions to a panel of health experts.
Specific topics will include:
- Preventing stroke: tips for lowering your risk of stroke
- How to recognize the symptoms of stroke
- What to do in times of emergency – When to seek help and treatment when you experience a stroke
- Post stroke management: techniques for managing your physical and mental health after a stroke
- Where and how to access support in the community
Participants can attend the virtual health exhibition to learn more about the support programs and resources provided by local health and community organizations.
Register for the forum here:
Questions? Email us at
For more information in English, please click here: